
Understories 013: Nataliya Volosovych, Portrait and Event Photographer

This week, Linds talks to Nataliya Volosovych, a portrait and event photographer based in Rotterdam. Nataliya’s personal story is not only incredibly interesting, it also highlights the power of the mid-life career pivot.

Nataliya had the first sparks of her love of photography early on via her father, who was a photography hobbyist, but she didn’t act upon it until well into her professional career climbing the corporate ladder. She took the leap and hasn’t looked back.

For her, while she encourages women to follow their passions, she also is a huge proponent of building support systems and having a community to support you on your entrepreneurial journey.

No entrepreneurial journey is the same, and while each of us face challenges that are unique, having others nearby to cheer and commiserate with can make all the difference between giving up and resilience.

Linds and Nataliya get into the tricky parts of balancing the creative parts with business, how to define success, why the creative industries are screaming for business training and much more.

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  • Follow your passion and take risks, even if it feels scary.
  • Having a support system, both at home and within a community, is crucial for success.
  • Women often second-guess themselves and need to be more daring in pursuing their dreams.
  • Networking and connecting with like-minded individuals can provide inspiration and encouragement.


00:00 Introduction and Background
02:00 Transition to Photography
03:34 The Influence of Nataliya’s Father
06:31 Enrolling in Photography School
08:27 First Photoshoot and Positive Feedback
10:27 Women Taking Risks and Pursuing Passions
13:25 The Importance of Support Systems
15:59 Starting a Photography Business
21:15 Finding a Supportive Community
23:10 Surprising Challenges of Starting a Business
25:14 Navigating Confidence and Self-Value
26:13 The Intersection of Business and Personal Growth
29:30 The Undervaluation of Creativity
31:38 Charging What You’re Worth
35:23 The Importance of Internal Work
37:16 Combining Business and Creative Skills
39:14 The Need for Business Education in Creative Fields
40:04 Opportunities for Creatives
41:16 Hands-On Experience for Students
42:23 Understanding the New Generation
45:05 Defining Success
46:18 Recognition and Appreciation
50:54 Photography Business Mascot
52:02 Favorite Thing About the Job
53:34 Favorite Color Combination to Work With
56:06 Where to Find Nataliya’s Work