About us

Management consultancy doesn’t quite describe it.

When we put our heads together to find a verb for Cloudfields’ non-conformist, super-informed brand of management consultancy we couldn’t find one.

Of course, the answer was right there all along. It’s in our name.

To cloudfield: literally, to field the clouds. To find vision in the fog, fix solutions and free you to make money while doing what you love.


Lindsay Faller


Katerina Stefelova

Cloudfields was founded in 2020 by Lindsay Faller, a business strategist whose 20+ year career has seen her cloudfield successful and profitable creative businesses in architecture, design, art and culture.

Katerina Stefelova joined in early 2023 as a business manager with cloudfielding experience in architecture, art, culture, visualisation and project management.

Together, Lindsay and Katerina bring holistic, big-picture strategy with specialist planning and execution, freeing you up to do the creative work you do best.

We’re a remote company based in Amsterdam and work with clients across Europe and in the UK.

What’s in a name?

Cloudfields is a literal translation of the Dutch word wolkenvelden, which describes the expansive skies loved by seventeenth-century landscape painters.

To us, it captures what a successful creative business looks like: a blend of imagination and function, its head in the clouds and its feet on the ground.

Cloudfields helps businesses to thrive without crushing their creative spirit.

It is both-and, the blue sky and the practical working as one.

Our Clients